Last date for receiving symposium proposals: 15th September 2024

Dear Friends,

We invite proposals from individuals or teams of 2-3 members for organizing symposia at the XXXVIII International Ethological Congress – Behaviour 2025. The symposia theme should be focused on ethological questions and should be of a general interest to the participants. Symposia themes with a narrow focus, designed to highlight work from a specific research group are discouraged.

Symposia format:
Each symposium should have a chair and co-chair, both of whom should be registered for the conference and be attending in person.

Each symposium should be of 90 min. duration. The organizers can choose to have one invited talk (25 + 5) min, followed by contributed talks (15 + 3) min. All speakers need to register for the conference and attend in person.

We encourage proposers to allow for additional contributed talks to be submitted to the symposium, and plan their invited talks accordingly.

Abstract submission:
Upon selection of a symposium proposal, the proposers would be required to ensure that the speakers submit their abstracts and register on time. If a speaker chooses spot registration at the conference, they should submit the abstract within the deadline in order to be considered as a speaker for the symposium.

The abstract submission deadline will allow proposers whose symposia have not been selected, to submit abstracts for contributed talks.

Financial arrangements:
The organizers of Behaviour 2025 will not be able to bear the financial responsibilities for the registration, travel or local accommodation of the symposia organizers and speakers. The venue and the standard audio-visual requirements for the symposia will be provided by the conference. If the speakers have any special requirements, the symposia organizers may inform the local organizers at least a month in advance of the meeting, and they will try to arrange for the same. However, this cannot be guaranteed at the moment.

Diversity and inclusivity:
We urge all symposia proposers to be aware of the need for diversity and inclusivity while selecting the speakers for their symposia. This will be an important criterion in selecting the proposals.

Organizing Committee
Behaviour 2025

Submit Your Proposal