XXXVIII International Ethological Congress
Behaviour 2025
August 25 - 30, 2025 | Kolkata, India

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Registration Cancellation and Refund Policy
If you choose to cancel your registration, the following refund terms will apply from the date of receipt of written notification: Non-Refundable Charges:
  • GST on the registration fee is non-refundable.
  • An administrative fee will apply to all refunds.
Refund Terms:
  • On or before 30th April: 100% refund, less the administrative fee of RATE.
  • On or before 30th June: 50% refund, less the administrative fee of RATE.
  • After 30th June: No refunds will be issued.
Refund Process:
  • Refunds will be processed online only within 120 days from the date of transaction.
  • Beyond 120 days, delegate bank details and a cheque copy will be required for initiating the refund.
Important Notes:
  • All refunds will be processed after the event via the same payment method used for the original transaction.
  • No refund or discount will be provided if:
    1. A function or event included in the registration fee is not attended.
    2. You subsequently cancel your participation in such a function or event.
In the case of extenuating circumstances, a refund outside of these terms and conditions may be considered by, and at the discretion of, the Organizing Committee upon application.

Meeting Cancellation or Postponement
Local Organizing Committee (LOC) may cancel or postpone the meeting due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to natural calamities, terrorism, war, strikes or industrial action, fire, explosion, inevitable accident, breakdown of property, changes in law, or pandemics or global health crises. Due to the nature of the event, it may be reasonable to postpone the event to a later year and/or to change the location for the meeting.

In the event of postponement of the meeting, if, when requested, we advise that you are willing to attend the rescheduled conference, LOC will transfer the registration and guarantee the same conditions and equivalent registration entitlements (subject to reasonable modification and availability) at the rescheduled event. If, at a later date, you then choose not to attend the rescheduled Congress, LOC will not be required to refund any part of the registration fee.

In the event of a full cancellation of the conference by LOC, you will be entitled to a full refund of the amount of the registration fee received.

The maximum liability of LOC under these Terms and Conditions is limited to a refund of the Congress registration fee with no additional liability for travel costs, hotel costs, or any other associated costs.

Delegate cancellation – Medical
If, on medical grounds, you are unable to attend the Congress, you must cancel your attendance in writing by email to the Conference Secretariat. A full refund may be provided at the discretion of LOC; however, you may be asked to provide additional details.

Participants are strongly advised to secure appropriate travel and health insurance. Delegate registration fees do not provide any such insurance coverage. LoC and the Conference Secretariat accept no responsibility for any loss in this regard.

By registering, you acknowledge and consent that during your attendance at the meeting, your image or voice may be recorded via video, photography or by any other means by an officer or official, which may be distributed or published at the discretion of the conference. If you do not wish to be recorded, you are required to formally advise the Conference Secretariat in advance by email.